Welcome, Breanna Ava Eggers!

Back in October, 2008, we received some wonderful news from Parley Philip Johnson, Jr.. Here is the message announcing the birth of his great-niece:

Miss Breanna Ava Eggers was born 8Sep08 @ 9:08PM in Montgomery , AL She is the daughter of Kelley Diane nee “Blair” Eggers and her husband Mike Eggers. Breanna weighed in at 4lbs but at one month old today she weighs 6 lbs 15 oz. Baby and Mom doing fine, but the new Mom’s blood pressure needs to calm down a little. Kelley is an auditor with the State of Alabama and Mike is an electronics tech and works with the City of Montgomery keeping all the street lights in working order.. Kelley is the daughter of Carol Blair ( Carol recently retired from Senate Accounting Dept, State of ALABAMA ) and the granddaughter of Uncle Philip and Aunt Christine.

Welcome, Breanna Ava! Family members, send your congratulations to Kelley and Mike to Kelley's Uncle Parley via email to parley(at)fairpoint(dot)net (or ask Parley to send you direct correspondence info for Kelley and Mike).

More pictures of Brianna and Family!